IT Forensics is the science concerning the activity of identification, acquisition, preservation, study, analysis and documentation of the memories found in the computer or in digital devices, in order to highlight evidences for investigative purposes

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In the investigative activity, digital memories are analyzed for different purposes:

  1. systems that are "active" part of the criminal action (such as for example a system used to realize an illegal access)
  2. systems that are objective of criminal acts (as a compromised system)
  3. systems which are containers of elements relating to illegal activities (as a system that contains the evidences of common offenses)


Digital Forensics




Mobile Forensics







TLOGOS offers services of digital forensics in order to protect the corporate information asset against fraud activities, and more in general in all those cases in which a digital information can provide an evidence to resolve a fault or a suspected computer incident. In particular, in cases of:

  1. Informatics and telematics crimes
  2. Not informatics crimes, but performed with computer systems
  3. Device in which are found crime evidences
  4. Preempitive activities to company assets protection



Digital Forensics Services are configured in specialist consultancy activities designed for:

Acquiring, indexing and analyzing data from digital devices through forensics technologies and methodologies, hashing and chain of custody;

Acquiring, indexing and analyzing data from server and client systems;

Post incident investigation on corporate servers to inspect the origin and type of attack.

We provide forensic services with photos evidence collection of equipment, like external memories, live systems, mobile devices, and formation of the chain of custody for the original memories, analysis of memories forensic copy, preparation of technical reports with an enclosed data forensic copy for legal use.

For these services TLOGOS uses highly qualified staff.
Moreover, TLOGOS uses methods and procedures comply with international standards and which allow the use of the data acquired also in procedural step.











TLOGOS Mobile Forensics services consist in recovering information from mobile devices like mobile phones, smartphones and tablet, using techniques that do not alter the content.

For the management of certain activities of data recovery, Tlogos avails itself of:

Direct acquisition of data from multi-chip package (eMCP) memories in binary format (Chip-Off);

Data reading from eMMC integrated memories in binary format (JTAG/ISP/Chip-Off). For this activity are used the VR Table diagnostic table that allow you to perform JTAC/eMMC operations, without soldering process.

It can also extract data in the case the phone is damaged, using techniques of chip-off to perform a physical dump of the BGA memory chip.




In addition to having one of the best digital forensics lab in Italy, delivers theoretical and practical training.

Professional training is a fundamental requirement also for the TLOGOS resources. Training is necessary to be always updated on the best practices in the sector, on the progress of the technologies used and, obviously, to improve the quality of the services offered.

This service is aimed at both private and public companies and law enforcement agencies.

TLOGOS invests continuously in forensics hardware and software. In the laboratory are used the best acquisition and analysis tools available, provided by sector specialized vendors (e.g.: Cellebrite, Logicube, Tableau, Access Date, Guidance, Wiebetech, Mediaclone, Xways, MSAB) also using Open Source software like DEFT or CAINE.

TLOGOS offers its own laboratory and then all the technological tools, hardware and software (via rental formula) also to technical consultants and law enforcement who want to have all the latest tools for forensics activities.